Tuesday, June 9, 2009

37 Weeks and a Whole Lot of Nothing...

Today marks the beginning of my 37th week, and now I'm officially considered full-term! Brendyn is still head down - head is angled towards my right pelvis, and he's floating freely, not engaged.

Since I didn't go into labor on my own last time, my expectations of having the baby early are slim to none - I suspect they will induce me again. Call it female intuition. Anywho, I go back again next Monday and they'll start checking me to see if I am effaced at all. I'll keep you updated if I make any progress over the next week.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Ugh. Nothing is more frustrating that going to the dr. hoping for some progress and finding out nothing! We'll have to schedule a few playdates to help pass the time! lol